Results for 'Carmen Pardo Salgado'

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  1.  12
    Música y pensamiento: apuntes de un encuentro.Carmen Pardo Salgado - 2019 - Jaén (España): UJA Editorial.
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    Comme des oiseaux.Carmen Pardo Salgado - 2010 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 5 (1):35-46.
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  3. Habitantes de un mundo en moviemiento.Carmen Pardo Salgado - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:19-24.
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    De una disonancia no resuelta: medida y pasión en el Compendium musicae.Carmen Pardo - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:271-272.
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    The Emergence of Sound Art: Opening the Cages of Sound.Carmen Pardo - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (1):35-48.
    This article discusses listening that is appropriate to sound art and the associated changes in the paradigms, or thought patterns, that occur so often when we move from visual to aural perception. The distinction between historically accepted and rejected sounds is used to show how putting sounds in cages has fashioned a form of listening and of life. Twentieth-century experimental music and, especially, the music and the reflections of John Cage have opened these cages of sound and at the same (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: ExGUtils: A Python Package for Statistical Analysis With the ex-Gaussian Probability Density.Carmen Moret-Tatay, Daniel Gamermann, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo & Pedro Fernández de Córdoba Castellá - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)Simplified method based on an intelligent model to obtain the extinction angle of the current for a single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive load.José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Héctor Quintian-Pardo, Emilio Corchado, María del Carmen Meizoso-López & Ramón Ferreiro García - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (1):37-47.
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    “Brain Fog” by COVID-19 or Alzheimer’s Disease? A Case Report.Jordi A. Matias-Guiu, Cristina Delgado-Alonso, Miguel Yus, Carmen Polidura, Natividad Gómez-Ruiz, María Valles-Salgado, Isabel Ortega-Madueño, María Nieves Cabrera-Martín & Jorge Matias-Guiu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cognitive symptoms after COVID-19 have been increasingly recognized several months after the acute infection and have been designated as “brain fog.” We report a patient with cognitive symptoms that started immediately after COVID-19, in which cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers were highly suggestive of Alzheimer’s disease. Our case highlights the need to examine patients with cognitive symptoms following COVID-19 comprehensively. A detailed assessment combining clinical, cognitive, and biomarker studies may help disentangle the underlying mechanisms associated with cognitive dysfunction in each case. The (...)
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    PARDO, José Luis: "Esto no es música. Introducción al malestar en la cultura de masas", Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona, 2010, 483p. [REVIEW]Francisco Fernández Salgado - 2013 - Agora 32 (2).
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  10. The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible Investment.Joakim Sandberg, Carmen Juravle, Ted Martin Hedesström & Ian Hamilton - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):519-533.
    Many writers have commented on the heterogeneity of the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement. However, few have actually tried to understand and explain it, and even fewer have discussed whether the opposite – standardisation – is possible and desirable. In this article, we take a broader perspective on the issue of the heterogeneity of SRI. We distinguish between four levels on which heterogeneity can be found: the terminological, definitional, strategic and practical. Whilst there is much talk about the definitional ambiguities (...)
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    Handling Whistleblowing Reports: The Complexity of the Double Agent.Nadia Smaili, Wim Vandekerckhove & Paulina Arroyo Pardo - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (2):279-292.
    Increasingly organizations have dedicated systems and personnel (recipients) to receive and handle internal whistleblower reports. Yet, the complexity of handling whistleblower reports is often underestimated, and there is a dearth of literature that attempts to describe or analyse the challenges internal recipients face. This paper uses an agency theory inspired lens to provide insight into the complexity of internal whistleblowing, with the aim to identify focal points for improving internal whistleblowing processes. We conceive of internal recipients as agents of two (...)
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    Ethical difficulties in healthcare: A comparison between physicians and nurses.Cinzia Leuter, Carmen La Cerra, Santina Calisse, Danila Dosa, Cristina Petrucci & Loreto Lancia - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (8):1064-1074.
    Background: Advances in biomedical sciences, technologies and care practices have resulted in an increase in ethical problems and a resulting growth of difficulties encountered by health workers in their professional activity. Objective: The main objective of this study was to analyse knowledge in the ethical field and experience with and the propensity for using ethics consultations by nurses and physicians. Methods: Between March and June 2014, a cross-sectional observational study was conducted on a sample of 351 nurses and 128 physicians (...)
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    On the perceptual organization of speech.Robert E. Remez, Philip E. Rubin, Stefanie M. Berns & Jennifer S. Pardo - 1984 - Psychological Review 101 (1):129-156.
  14.  59
    Decision conflict drives reaction times and utilitarian responses in sacrificial dilemmas.Alejandro Rosas, Juan Pablo Bermúdez & David Aguilar-Pardo - 2019 - Judgment and Decision Making 14:555-564.
    In the sacrificial moral dilemma task, participants have to morally judge an action that saves several lives at the cost of killing one person. According to the dual process corrective model of moral judgment suggested by Greene and collaborators (2001; 2004; 2008), cognitive control is necessary to override the intuitive, deontological force of the norm against killing and endorse the utilitarian perspective. However, a conflict model has been proposed more recently to account for part of the evidence in favor of (...)
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    Deconstruction and Epistemic Violence.Carmen De Schryver - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (2):100-121.
    While theorists of epistemic injustice often refer to Gayatri Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak” as an early articulation of the field’s concerns, they have stopped short of engaging deeply with Spivak’s deconstructive take on epistemic violence and her suggestion that this consists in an attribution of subjectivity to historically marginalized speakers. In redressing this oversight, this article makes a case for adopting a broader conception of epistemic harm and exclusion than has been acknowledged in the literature: I argue that the (...)
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    The Gettier problem and legal proof: Michael S. Pardo.Michael S. Pardo - 2010 - Legal Theory 16 (1):37-57.
    This article explores the relationships between legal proof and fundamental epistemic concepts such as knowledge and justification. A survey of the legal literature reveals a confusing array of seemingly inconsistent proposals and presuppositions regarding these relationships. This article makes two contributions. First, it reconciles a number of apparent inconsistencies and tensions in accounts of the epistemology of legal proof. Second, it argues that there is a deeper connection between knowledge and legal proof than is typically argued for or presupposed in (...)
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  17. Hermenigilda Margate, Mary Chapman, Paz Fernandez, Wiliie Salgado: Lucky And Blessed.Rose Salgado - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):261-263.
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    Spanish Validation of the PICCOLO.Rosa Vilaseca, Magda Rivero, Rosa M. Bersabé, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Maria Jose Cantero, Fina Ferrer, Clara Valls Vidal, Mark S. Innocenti & Lori Roggman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Impact of Inattention, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Symptoms, and Executive Functions on Learning Behaviors of Children with ADHD.Carla Colomer, Carmen Berenguer, Belén Roselló, Inmaculada Baixauli & Ana Miranda - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Values, Environmental Beliefs, and Connection With Nature as Predictive Factors of the Pro-environmental Vote in Spain.M. Carmen Aguilar-Luzón, Beatriz Carmona, Antonia Calvo-Salguero & Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La expresión creadora del sentido de la experiencia.M. Carmen López Sáenz - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (23).
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    Mediating climate politics: The surprising case of Brazil.John Urry & Carmen Dayrell - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3):257-273.
    This article examines the centrality of Brazil within the future of climate policy and politics. The state of the carbon sink of the Amazon rainforest has long been an iconic marker of the condition of the Earth. Brazil has been innovative in developing many non-carbon forms of energy generation and use and it has played a major role in international debates on global warming since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. We examine various ways in which climate change has come (...)
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  23. Perceiving utilitarian gradients: Heart rate variability and self-regulatory effort in the moral dilemma task.Alejandro Rosas, Juan Pablo Bermúdez, Jorge Martínez Cotrina, David Aguilar-Pardo, Juan Carlos Caicedo Mera & Diego Mauricio Aponte - 2021 - Social Neuroscience 16 (4):391–405.
    It is not yet clear which response behavior requires self-regulatory effort in the moral dilemma task. Previous research has proposed that utilitarian responses require cognitive control, but subsequent studies have found inconsistencies with the empirical predictions of that hypothesis. In this paper we treat participants’ sensitivity to utilitarian gradients as a measure of performance. We confronted participants (N = 82) with a set of five dilemmas evoking a gradient of mean utilitarian responses in a 4-point scale and collected data on (...)
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  24. Konsten att vara vetenskaplig.Sven Ove Hansson & I. I. I. Carmen - unknown
    Förord .................................................................................................... ............... 4 1 Vilken kunskap vill vi ha?................................................................................ 6..
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    Adultos mayores hacia una construcción social de envejecimiento y autonomía en la comarca lagunera de Coahuila.Maria del Carmen Carmen Flores Ramirez - 2019 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 8 (1):33-41.
    El objeto de profundizar en el análisis de la calidad de vida en adultos mayores, la incidencia de la familia, valores y brechas intergeneracionales, en la ciudad de Torreón Coahuila, México, con analisis cuantitativo aplicado a 230 sujetos, 5 ejes y con variables, validado con Alpha de Cronbach de 0.88 resultado del análisis: la importancia de que adultos cuente con la información en lo referente a: su proceso de envejecimiento, proceso salud-enfermedad y la intervención de políticas públicas gubernamentales, entorno familiar (...)
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    Generative Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: Undergraduate Experience.Carmen M. Alegría-Bernal, Jhan C. Fernández-Delgado & Fernando S. Andía-Alegría - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:532-542.
    The objective of this article is to assess the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AGI) as a learning tool in clinical practice, as perceived by clinical students of human medicine. To this end, six learning activities were devised and executed, employing diverse pedagogical approaches and AGI tools, with the objective of addressing various facets of clinical practice. These included the creation of explanatory material, literature analysis, the selection of clinical cases for publication, the development of self-assessment questions, the production of (...)
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    Herbert Marcuse: “El final de la utopía” en el siglo XXI.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 74:71.
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    Environmental Neologisms Through the Lens of the Virtue Ethics of Catholicism and Stoicism.María Carmen Molina & Kai Whiting - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):386-413.
    The complexity and emotional/psychological responses to the environmental challenges of the 21st century has led to the coining and development of new words and concepts that, for some people, better describe how they are personally grappling with anthropogenic ecosystem damage and climate breakdown. This paper identifies some of the more commonly used environmental neologisms within scholarly literature and evaluates their usefulness and contradictions for those influenced by the virtue ethics promoted by the ancient Stoics and the Catholic Church. We find (...)
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    The Role of Prosocialness and Trust in the Consumption of Water as a Limited Resource.Cuadrado Esther, Tabernero Carmen, García Rocío, Luque Bárbara & Seibert Jan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Rancière, Jacques (2011). El tiempo de la igualdad: Diálogos sobre política y estética.Mª del Carmen Bernabeu Rumi - 2013 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 50:107.
  31. La idea de derecho natural en la ciencia nueva de Giambattista Vico.María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
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    El otro en la filosofía de Lévinas.Mari Carmen López Sáenz - 2001 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 3:265-282.
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    Nuclear calcium and the regulation of the nuclear pore complex.Carmen Perez-Terzic, Marisa Jaconi & David E. Clapham - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (9):787-792.
    In eukaryotic cells the nucleus and its contents are separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear envelope. Macromolecules, as well as smaller molecules and ions, can cross the nuclear envelope through the nuclear pore complex. Molecules greater than approx. 60 kDa and containing a nuclear localization signal are actively transported across the nuclear membranes, but there has been little evidence for regulatory mechanisms for smaller molecules and ions. Recently, diffusion across the nuclear envelope has been observed to be regulated by (...)
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    El cuerpo fenoménico no nace; se llega a ser cuerpo-sujeto. Interpretando El segundo sexo.Carmen López Sáenz - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 18:142-172.
    La fenomenología distingue el cuerpo-objeto (Körper) del cuerpo vivido (Leib); se interesa por este último y por el cuerpo que se nos manifiesta en nuestras experiencias y les da expresión. Este cuerpo fenoménico es el punto cero de nuestras vidas, el anclaje de nuestra existencia. La fenomenología de Simone de Beauvoir le aplica la diferencia sexual.Esta contribución continúa la hermenéutica de Beauvoir centrándose en su conocida máxima, “no se nace mujer, se llega a serlo”, teniendo en cuenta que las interpretaciones (...)
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    Time and subjectivity in M. Merleau-Ponty.Carmen López Sáenz - 1989 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 15:117.
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    participación infantil y adolescente en la Provincia de Alicante.María Ángeles Abellán López & Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 17 (6):1-14.
    El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de varias experiencias basadas en dinámicas de presupuestos participativos y dirigidas a niños, niñas y adolescentes. Esta investigación recogió datos de las principales experiencias participativas en el ámbito de la Provincia de Alicante durante el periodo 2015-2022 a través de una encuesta y de una búsqueda de documentación relacionada. Los datos provenientes de los ayuntamientos han sido tratados a través del programa MAXQDA. Entre los principales resultados, se puede destacar las distintas percepciones (...)
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    De camino al sentir por la aisthesis y el logos que la habita. En diálogo con Renaud Barbaras.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:197-228.
    Este artículo pretende dilucidar el significado del sentir profundizando en la fenomenología genética y dialogando con la ontología fenomenológica, particularmente con la Métaphysique du sentiment de R. Barbaras. Comienza descubriendo los sentidos del cuerpo y lo que denominamos “re-flexión” corporal, siempre vinculada a la aisthesis (lato y stricto sensu) y a la afectividad. Aborda posteriormente la correlación entre fenomenología y estética como ejemplo de la pasividad en la actividad del sentir. Comprenderemos esta dinámica como movimiento ontológico que aúna la aisthesis (...)
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    La llegada de las Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl a la Casa de los Expósitos, Hospital de las Cinco Llagas y Hospicio Provincial de Sevilla, en el siglo XIX.Mª del Carmen Giménez Muñoz - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (27):189-211.
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    Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en América latina: su situación actual.Rolando Franco, Carmen Artigas & Carmen F. Franco Guzmán - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:59-82.
    Este trabajo intenta analizar la concepción, naturaleza jurídica y garantía de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, en América Latina, así como las condiciones y medidas que pueden contribuir a su efectividad. Presenta tambien una propuesta de indicadores que pueden utilizarse en la supervision de la efectividad de esos derechos y de la proteccion que ellos han alcanzado, proporcionando información sobre la situactón latinoamericana y caribeña actual.
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    Aprendiendo física con el teléfono inteligente.María del Carmen Evangelina Córdova Martínez & Sarita Lima Llanllaya - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-10.
    El proceso educativo sufrió un drástico cambio debido a la pandemia que padecimos a nivel mundial, tuvimos que aprender a usar las herramientas tecnológicas en la enseñanza y en el aprendizaje. Por lo que siguiendo esta tendencia planteamos la utilización de la aplicación “Física M-Lab” en su primera versión para la enseñanza de la cinemática.Como estamos en el campo de las ciencias sociales, utilizamos el diseño cuasiexperimental que nos permitió concluir en que los aprendizajes mejoraron significativamente.
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    Fenomenología y feminismo.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:45.
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    Mariano Álvarez Gómez.M. Del Carmen Paredes Martín - 2017 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 24:12.
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    Juicio reflexionante y republicanismo kantiano: ideas para pensar lo político más allá de la revolución, el dogmatismo o el tradicionalismo.Alonso Silva Rojas, Óscar Giovanny Flantrmskyc Cárdenas & Orlando Pardo Martínez - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (1):75-92.
    Este trabajo de reflexión e investigación va a la fuente misma del pensamiento político kantiano, para mostrar cómo su concepción republicana se funda en lo que él llama el uso reflexionante de la razón. Para ello, se ha dividido en tres partes: en la primera se señala cómo el pensamiento político kantiano no se funda en el uso teórico ni práctico de la razón, sino en su uso reflexionante, al mismo tiempo que se señalan sus características. En la segunda se (...)
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    Persuasión En Las Homilías de Hoy.Carmen Vanesa Álvarez-Rosa - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (4):1-13.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo avanzar en el análisis de la argumentación religiosa, en concreto en la persuasión en la prédica actual, mediante el reconocimiento y cuantificación de los mecanismos pragmalingüísticos que favorecen la integración del oyente en el discurso del orador religioso. El corpus examinado consta de 50 homilías orales grabadas en la primera década del siglo XXI. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el empleo de la mayoría de dichos mecanismos tiene una incidencia semejante tanto en las homilías (...)
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    Atmospheric Dynamics Leading to West European Summer Hot Temperatures Since 1851.M. Carmen Alvarez-Castro, Davide Faranda & Pascal Yiou - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    La suposición en Fray Alonso de la Vera Cruz.Gloria del Carmen Balderas Rosas - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:187-194.
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  47. The role of experience in Karol wojtila's ethical thought.Carmen Beatriz Gonzalez - 2009 - Analecta Husserliana 104:131-146.
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    Ivan Illich fifty years later: situating Deschooling society in his intellectual and personal journey.Rosa del Carmen Bruno-Jofré - 2022 - London: University of Toronto Press. Edited by Jon Igelmo Zaldívar.
    In 1971, priest, theologian, and philosopher Ivan Illich wrote Deschooling Society, a plea to liberate education from schooling and to separate schooling from the state. On occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its publication, Ivan Illich Fifty Years Later looks at the theological roots of Illich's thought and the intellectual and ideological strands that contributed to his ideas. Guided by the central question of how Illich reached the point of writing Deschooling Society, the book sheds light on how Illich produced (...)
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    Statistics in biomedical research.Carmen Cadarso-Suárez & Wenceslao González-Manteiga - 2007 - Arbor 183 (725):353-361.
    La Bioestadística es hoy en día una componente científica fundamental de la investigación en Biomedicina, salud pública y servicios de salud. Las áreas tradicionales y emergentes de aplicación incluyen ensayos clínicos, estudios observacionales, fisología, imágenes, y genómica. Este artículo repasa la situación actual de la Bioestadística, considerando los métodos estadísticos usados tradicionalmente en investigación biomédica, así como los recientes desarrollos de nuevos métodos, para dar respuesta a los nuevos problemas que surgen en Medicina. Obviamente, la aplicación fructífera de la estadística (...)
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    Gutiérrez Lombardo, raúl Y sanmartín esplugues, José : La filosofía desde la ciencia. México: Centro de estudios filosóficos, políticos Y sociales Vicente Lombardo toledano.Carmen María Callizo Romero - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 76:227-231.
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